


. The vertical carving of the urban mesh with nature.

. The skyscraper as a small scale city, to a degree self sufficient and sustainable.

. Defining a system that, as a piece, can be inserted in any puzzle.



India is a developing country, with a generalset of problems:

1. air & acoustic pollution

2. public – private thresholds

3. energy needs & efficiency

And a particular set of problems:

4. population densities

5. transport logistics

6. resource logistics



1. An increase in the vegetation (CO2 reduction), and TX active components in the concrete cladding (N2Oreduction) reduce smog.

2. The organization of functions along a gradient of increased privatized sectors allows the

public domain to access the tower along its height, thus becoming part of the city mesh.

3. Externalizing the peripheral structure allows for a platform to install photovoltaic cells distributed along the most efficient orientations/location. This external structural mesh acts as

a shading system that reduces insolation and therefore climate control.

4. The democratization of private areas increases the overall public space, therefore diluting congested zones overall.

5. Creating a public transport node within the premises reduces the need for private transportation, reducing pollution, the use of combustible energies and circulation densities.

6. Although the surplus produce can be commercialized beyond the site, it is intended for

self consumption and will reduce the need for external supply to a degree.

TAM ATB in collaboration with Natalia Giacomino